Laparoscopy - Endometriosis


A 23 year old woman presented with a long history of pelvic pain. The dysmenorrhoea had been relieved to some extent by the OCP. She had noted the onset of severe intermittent pelvic pain which was predominantly left sided and was exacerbated by strenuous exercise.


All investigations had been normal.


She subsequently underwent laparoscopy with excision of right sided endometriosis. There was a small deposit of pigmented endometriosis over the diaphragm. A Mirena IUCD was inserted post operatively.


Endometriosis of the diaphragm is uncommon and a decision to surgically remove this needs to be made after careful discussion and consultation. The pain resolved post operatively.

Pigmented endometriosis on left side wall. Normal left ovary is seen.

Endometriosis on left side wall is excised.


Small deposit of pigmented endometriosis on diaphragm. A prudent decision was made to not excise this..